Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) Recruitment 2024: General Manager (Tracks) Vacancy
Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has announced a recruitment drive for the position of General Manager (Tracks) with one vacancy available. Interested candidates can apply online through the official website of CMRL. Below are the detailed qualifications, age limit, pay scale, selection process, and application procedure for the CMRL General Manager Recruitment 2024.
Vacancy Details:
- Post Name: General Manager (Tracks)
- Vacancies: 01
Eligibility Criteria:
- Qualification: Candidates should hold a B.E/B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering and should be an officer of SAG grade with a minimum of 20 years of experience in Group-A service.
- Experience: Candidates should have experience in track alignment and laying, welding of rail connections, laying of points and crossings in major railway projects, and commissioning of track works, bridges, viaducts. Experience in contract management and coordination with other departments like Operations, Signals, Rolling Stock, and OHE is preferred.
- Age Limit: The maximum age limit for the General Manager position is 55 years.
Pay Scale:
- Selected candidates will have the option to draw pay in the parent organization including deputation allowance and project allowance, or draw an equivalent cadre IDA pay scale in CMRL including IDA, HRA, and cafeteria allowance.
Selection Process:
- The selection process will involve an Interview. The date, time, and venue for the interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course through the official website.
How to Apply:
- Interested and eligible candidates must apply online through the official website of CMRL. No hard copy/paper applications will be accepted.
- Upon submission of the online application form, candidates will receive a system-generated Registration/Acknowledgement Slip, which should be printed out for future correspondence.
- Detailed instructions on how to apply can be found in the officially released advertisement.
Important Dates:
- Starting Date of Application: 09.05.2024
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 23.06.2024
Important Links:
Candidates are advised to visit the official website regularly for updates and notifications regarding the recruitment process.